From Ye Olde President…..
Hello, and welcome to all. In celebration of Shark Week and all the shark bites at our beaches (and to make it easy for me), SHARKS will be the theme at our meeting on Aug. 17th. Of course, please bring in anything you have acquired during our summer break. We all like to see.
Each day there are events happening about fossils and the Earth and the Sciences in general… too many to participate in. Kudos to those in our club who get out regularly and help open minds and explain what amateur paleontologists do. Thank you, Salvatore Sansone, Valerie First, Cindy Lockner, Steve and Michael Sharpe
for spreading the word. If you are doing outreach, let us know.
Sal & Valerie have been participating for OSC’s Science Night Live (4x per year) for a long time and could use some over age 21 members to help out.
Things have been plenty busy for Bonnie and I and with the Fossil Fair and OSC’s Prehistoric Party coming up quickly, we’ll need as many members as possible to volunteer to help out.
2019 Fossil Fair Central Florida Fairgrounds
Saturday, Oct. 19th and Sunday, Oct. 20th
There will also be a discussion on future plans for the club, so come on out and join us.
Best regards,
Russell Brown
p.s. Sorry… the Peace River is high.