From Ye Olde President…..
Happy new year and welcome to 2019.

Wow, it goes fast. This will be my 20 something year as acting President or VP (currently filling in for Marge Fantozzi). There have been a lot a great opportunities, events, digs, and now a re-structure of meetings. Watch your newsletters and emails for info as it comes in.

We’re always looking for new members to volunteer and help out us “old folks”. Much of the new tech is way beyond us. Your club is in need of NEW talent to take the club forward.

Peace River was dropping close to digging level. It’s back up so Steve Sharpe is sitting in a River of Tears instead of the Peace. But be assured, that he will be back hunting there as soon as it drops again. His ph is 352-552-2296. Give him a call if you want to go with him. You must have your own kayak or canoe.

It’s time again to renew your membership. New members that joined at the Fossil Fair or later are good for 2019. If you trouble getting your newsletter (every other month now), email Bonnie at

We won’t be at the February meeting, but Steve Sharpe will be running the meeting. Be sure to bring in any recent finds or holiday fossils you received. Steve will also be introducing the speaker, Joshua Slattery, who will give a presentation on “Ammonite Diversity Dynamics during the Jurassic to Late Cretaceous”.

We’ll be back for the April meeting and I was thinking abut a “women in Paleontology” theme. So, ladies, if you would like to participate, please let me know…. nothing big, just the regular meeting with this in mind. Kudo’s
to all the women who are pushing the outreach worldwide.

Also at the April meeting, we can lay out the plans for the rest of the year.
So until then, get out and enjoy some natural Florida.
Russell Brown, President
(filling in for Marge Fantozzi)