Fossil Fair, How Can I Help?

Fossil Fair How I can help?

To put on such an event, we need lots of volunteers to help!

There are so many ways to take part in this fun-filled, fossil-packed weekend.

First of all, volunteer some time to help out in one of the areas during the Fair.

  • Be one of the smiling, helpful people at the admissions table where people arrive.
  • Help get set up Friday and/or tear down on Sunday, the Kids’ identify their fossil finds in the activities
    area, folks bidding on treasures at the Silent Auction.
  • Volunteer at the Membership table, answer questions and helping folks get started in their own quest to
    find fossils.
  • And more…

Each position offers plenty of opportunities to share your excitement of fossiling and the joy of learning more about the world. 

Please give a few hours….
or more if you can.

You will be rewarded, not only in Fossil Bucks, but also with the fun of sharing your interests with other folks.



8:30am to 12:45pm and 12:30pm to 5pm 

9:30am to 12:45pm and 12:30pm to 4pm.


SIGN UP: to volunteer at the August or September meetings, complete the online volunteer survey.

Admissions Table: Greeting visitors with a smile, taking the money, giving them a free door prize ticket, etc.

Kid’s Activities: help the kids shift through shark tooth and Yankee town echinoid fossil matrix and help them identify what they find with ID sheets.

Silent Auction: Logging donations, selecting items for each auction round, taking money, soliciting donations from the vendors, announcing the beginning and end of the auctions, etc.

Membership Table: Handing out club info, helping join the club, explaining about the field trips and other activities, selling t-shirts, etc.

Fossil Display Area: Telling visitors about the fossils on display and answering questions or suggesting other sources for the answers.

Setting up on Friday and packing up after closing on Sunday, putting the signs out on the streets early Saturday morning,  

Bring Food!
One of the really extraordinary things about our Fossil Fair is that we feed our volunteers and vendors. We firmly believe full tummies make for happy people. So we ask that everyone bring a casserole, or salad, or dessert, or bag of munchies to share. The club foots the bill for the lunch meat and fixings for sandwiches as well as the paper plates and utensils.  Finally, bring some food to share with the other volunteers and the vendors. We’ve managed to feed the workers at our past Fossil Fairs which really makes it feel like a big family reunion… a really strange but funny and intellectually stimulating one.

Donations for the Kids’ Pit and Silent Auction
Small bones. echinoids and sharks needed for kid’s activities.  Please bring to the meetings or Fossil Fair.  Those donated fossils bring smiles of joy to the kids who get to find them in our activities.

Silent Auction
For the Silent Auction, you can donate display cases/shelves, modern bones, figurines, prehistoric animal toys, etc. as well as fossils or minerals.

To donate items to the Kids’ Dig Pit or the Silent Auction, just bring them to the Fair with you.  


Upcoming Meetings
Meetings take place at the Orlando Science Center, unless otherwise noted

  • No July Meeting
  • Saturday, August 24th
    2pm Paleontology for Kids
    3pm Meeting
    FFH meeting at OSC
  • Saturday, September 21st
    2pm Paleontology for Kids
    3pm Meeting
    FFH meeting at OSC
  • 2024 Meeting Schedule Now Available

2024 FFH Fossil Fair
October 19 & 20

Florida Fossil Hunters

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