From Ye Olde President…..

I want to give a big thank you to Kayla Warner for volunteering for the position of education duties and Kids Blast for the club. 

FFH Field trip to Yankeetown was a success and lots of good specimens of Echinoids were found. We had 15 members show up some with their kids. Everyone enjoyed the Club fossil picnic with lots of food and cold drinks. FFH will try to setup another Field trip to Yankeetown.

At the Hale Pit fossil dig, our First Vice President, Steve Sharpe was awarded the Howard Converse Award. Over the years he has donated many fossils to the museum in Gainesville.
Congratulations, my friend! 

The topic of March Meeting will be Pleistocene Fossil mammals (no guest speaker). Working on a guest speaker for April’s meeting.

I would like to see FFH members bring in there Pleistocene Fossil mammals and interact with a show and tell meeting.

I will keep FFH members posted about upcoming fossil field
trips and guest speakers.

Thank You,
Salvatore Sansone
FFH President

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