From Ye Olde President…..
Welcome all new FFH and Facebook members and also all you fossil-hunting enthusiasts. I would like too wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day and thank you for giving us the gift of life. Summer is on the way with hotter and hotter days. Best time of the year for fossil hunting in the rivers. Make sure to check river levels before you plan your trip.
April’s field trip and FFH meeting at Chris Delory’s fossil exhibit and Dino Labs was a fun experience. Chris Delory and his team were great hosts and gave FFH members great deals on fossils.
Aiden will be May’s FFH meeting quest speaker. Aiden’s presentation will be Florida Fossilized: The Making of Prehistoric Frontier. Please bring your new fossil finds and talk about your fossil trips. May’s meeting will have Kids Blast before the meeting at 2pm. Topic for the Kids Blast will be Paleontology for Kids.
FFH and Salvatore’s Fossils Exhibits will be participating with Family Fest in Altamonte Springs. We will have fossil exhibits and kids fossil shark tooth digs. Family Fest at Cranes Roost Park will be held on Saturday, May 13 from noon – 5pm. I hope to see FFH members to attend and participate with Family Fest.
Cranes Roost Park address:
150 Cranes Roost Boulevard, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701
June’s meeting will include the FFH bi-annual Fossil bucks fossil auction See page 6 for the list.
Thank you,
Salvatore Sansone
FFH President
In the Club & Fossil Fair
created by Russell Brown
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