From Ye Olde President…..

Hello and welcome all FFH Members, It’s May and the summer time weather is here for fossil hunting in the Peace river. FFH is trying to setup field trips to Vulcan Mine and Peace River. FFH can only give it’s members a weeks notice and info about scheduling a Peace river fossil hunting trip. Reason is because the Peace river water level constantly changing due to summer rainstorms. I would like to give a special thanks to Steve & Michael Sharpe for leading the peace river digs. Also a special thanks to Mark Voke for renting his canoes to FFH members.

Currently working on scheduling fossil hunting trip to a mine called CEMEX lime rock pits. I will send out emails about updates on the field trips schedule.

At EVERY meeting!

  • Support your club with the purchase of vintage fossil fair t-shirts! Variety of sizes available at meetings while they last. $25/Adults and Kids/$20.
  • “Fossil swap”: every member brings in fossils to talk about and swap with other members.
  • Paleontology for Kids has been a success and will be held before the general meetings at 2:00pm.

June’s Meeting: FFH will be having its first Cash Only fossil auction to fund raiser for the purchase of a club trailer. More donations are coming in; come out and see our awesome items for auction. The trailer will store FFH materials for club and fossil show displays. Please help support your club. No guest speaker scheduled.

Salvatore Sansone
FFH President

Get Involved!
In the Club & Fossil Fair
Nine Fossil ID Sheets
created by Russell Brown

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