Peace River Gauge

USGS Water Data Resources

Water information is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources. The USGS works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research, and deliver information on a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.

The USGS Water Resources Mission Area provides water information that is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources. Below, find data and tools relevant to a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.

Visit the site to Learn more about…

  • The height of the Peace River
  • Current trends
  • Historical comparisons

Data are provisional and subject to revision until they have been thoroughly reviewed and received final approval. Current condition data relayed by satellite or other telemetry are automatically screened to not display improbable values until they can be verified.

Provisional data may be inaccurate due to instrument malfunctions or physical changes at the measurement site. Subsequent review based on field inspections and measurements may result in significant revisions to the data.

Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data or concerning other hydrologic data may be obtained from the USGS.

Upcoming Meetings
Meetings take place at the Orlando Science Center, unless otherwise noted

  • No October Meeting
  • Saturday, January 18th
    2pm Paleontology for Kids
    3pm Meeting
    FFH meeting at OSC
  • Saturday, March 15th
    2pm Paleontology for Kids
    3pm Meeting
    FFH meeting at OSC
  • 2025 Meeting Schedule Now Available

2025 FFH Fossil Fair
October 4 & 5

Florida Fossil Hunters

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