From Ye Olde President…..
Hi everyone and its been a hot summer.
I would like to hear about YOUR personal fossil finds and adventures at Septembers Club meeting. For example, check out the article on page 4 about a newer member’s search for “The Big One.”
The FFH annual Fair is approaching and FFH needs your help to make it a success, please check out page 3 for a list of roles needed and how you can volunteers for the Fair.
September meeting we will have a quest speaker.
Aiden Rouse is the quest speaker and
Topic will be about Dinosaurs of the Cretaceous Period.
Kid’s Fossil Blast Topic will be Plant Fossils. Join us at 2pm.
Check out the Newsletter for more information about all events.
Bring your dinosaur fossils and tracks to participate and share with this exciting meeting topic.
Salvatore Sansone
FFH President
Get Involved!
In the Club & Fossil Fair
Nine Fossil ID Sheets
created by Russell Brown