From Ye Olde President…..

Welcome everyone to the busy Fall season. The club’s Fossil Fair will be here soon and we are looking for volunteers to help out at the fossil fair. If you want to sign up or have questions, please see Melissa at September’s 23rd meeting for information. FFH is looking for donation’s for the Fossil Fair silent auction. All club members donations will earn you fossil bucks.  Unfortunately I will not be attending September’s meeting and Steve Sharpe will run the meeting. I’m the current president of CFMGS and I have a show this weekend and I will miss seeing everyone from FFH.

Valerie will be our speaker at the September’s 23rd meeting. Topic of discussion would be about Evolution of the Past.
Paleontology for Kids programs will be active at all meetings from 2pm to 3pm. I would like to thank Laurie and Francesca for their hard work and dedication with making Paleontology for Kids a success. 

There will not be a meeting in October because of the Fossil Fair. I hope to see everyone visiting the Fossil Fair. Valerie reports the show tables are all rented and full. Everything is a go and lets pray the weather is good to us that weekend of the Fossil Fair.

Salvatore Sansone
FFH President


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