From Ye Olde President…..
It’s July and the heat is on – hot weather and lots of hot stories of fossil hunting to share. Remember heat stroke is a real threat so know your limits and drink plenty of fluids when you are outside.
June’s first cash auction was a success and we earned about $900. I want to thank all FFH members for supporting their club.
Support your club with the purchase of vintage fossil fair t-shirts! Variety of sizes available at meetings while they last. $25/Adults and Kids/$20.
August meeting, our guest speaker will be Jimmy Waldron with Dinosaurs are Awesome. He will be speaking at the August meeting on the discovery of Ichthyotitan severnensis – the largest marine reptile that ever lived!! (see page 5 for more information)
August will have Palaeontologly for kids at 2 pm and remember all members to bring in your fossil finds and share your stories. Also every meeting FFH will have fossil swap for all members. Bring in your fossils to swap with other members and it’s a good way for members to interact with each other at meetings.
Also trying to setup fossil Field trips to the peace river and fossil museums. Stay tuned and I will be sending emails about field trips. Brevard county zoo is having science Sundays every week. Salvatore’s Fossil Exhibits will be attending and representing FFH club. I will be exhibiting and having the shark tooth digs. Come visit and show your support.
Thank you
Salvatore Sansone
FFH President
In the Club & Fossil Fair
created by Russell Brown
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