From Ye Olde President…..
Hope the Summer’s heat hasn’t kept you inside. There’s still collecting at the beaches – it’s a great stress reliever having your mind focused on fossil hunting while the sound of the surf sings to you. Or stand in the Peace River fossil hunting and listen to the birds call.
Want to take time to thank those members who have donated their time and energy these last few months, to educate and excite people about fossils and the past: Valerie First, of course, who is at OSC and the Sanford Zoo almost every weekend. Salvatore Sansone, Rus Ahlgrim, Joyce & Alex Bittle & Kayla Warner for talking to folks about fossils at events such as OSC’s Prehistoric Party, OSC’s Science Night Live, Daytona Beach’s Natural History Festival, and more.
On October 19th & 20th, the Florida Fossil Hunters will have their annual Fossil Fair. Please volunteer and share in the fun, food, friends and fossils… all the best things in life! There will be no meeting in October. No October Meeting ….. More info on page 3 of the newsletter.
Also trying to setup fossil field trips to the Peace River and fossil museums. Stay tuned and I will be sending emails about field trips. Brevard County Zoo is having Science Sundays every week. Salvatore’s Fossil Exhibits will be attending and representing the FFH club. I will be exhibiting and having the shark tooth digs. Come visit and show your support.
Support your club with the purchase of vintage fossil fair t-shirts! Variety of sizes available at meetings while they last. $25/Adults and Kids/$20.
In the Club & Fossil Fair
created by Russell Brown
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